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Ah Shit: Stza From Leftover Crack Got Into the Trash Again

Goddammit, I can’t believe this happened again. I take my Trash out every Monday and for a while things were fine, but lately we’ve been having some trouble with Stza getting in there and leaving a mess. I know he doesn’t mean anything by it, he’s just looking for a little snack or maybe a half finished 40 oz, but for fuck’s sake every time he gets in, I have to clean up the whole mess.

The first time it happened we tried putting the trash out in the MORNING because we read online that he was nocturnal, but after I left for work the same thing happened. We thought maybe he had just been up partying all night that one time, but it happened the week after too. I got some rodent repellent bags, but that was no use so I tried spraying it down with Axe Body Spray and he still got into it. I figured it would keep him away, but he must have thought the Trash Can was a jock and it was one of the worst messes we had during this whole ordeal.

I put some bricks on top of the can lid to make it heavier but then one of them ended up going through the window of the Starbucks next to my apartment.

We got one of those cans that have the flip up handles to secure the lid so he couldn’t just knock it over, we even hung it up on a hook out by the curb, but he even got through that one because his hands work kinda like little human hands.

Stza is cute and honestly, if I weren’t living in New York, I would even consider setting out a humane society trap and catching him to keep him as a little pet. But I don’t have the space in my apartment for him to make little cardboard signs, smoke crack, and do all the other cute things he likes to do when he’s not getting into my fucking trash can.

I think next week we’ll try putting a padlock on the lid, but if that doesn’t work I’m gonna have to call up Fat Wreck Chords and let them know that things are becoming unbearable. Fat Mike should be able to sort this thing out without having to get animal control involved.