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Posting About Being a Single Dad Is a Full Time-Job

Maintaining a full adult schedule is difficult enough. Working a job AND cleaning the house? PASS. But we all do what we need to do to get by. However, when you add being a single father to that mix it’s like adding another full-time job. Seriously, do you have any idea how hard it is to post on Facebook all day about how hard it is to be a single dad?!

Granted, no one said being a single dad was easy. I mean, it actually is pretty easy when your kid’s mom has a great job and full custody. But posting about it is no joke. Especially the two days a week when I have my daughter- she’s so distracting!

Imagine how much patience it takes to post about being a single dad when you have a toddler tugging at your phone, or putting her face in front of your phone, or saying distracting things like, “Daddy, I’m sick of American cheese slices” or “can we at least be in the same room together” or “the CPS lady is at the door again and she’s not leaving no matter how many times I hit her with my wiffle ball bat like you taught me.” I am a saint.

She’s such a hassle but I love her, ya know. As the age-old saying goes, “Kids: Can’t live with them… because of a court order.” My dad used to say that all the time. God, I miss that guy. He’s not dead or anything, he just doesn’t return my texts. Or my comments on his Myspace posts about being a single dad.

I’m not here telling you how hard my life is because I want your sympathy. That’s what Facebook is for. I’m just trying to make sure everyone takes this into account before having a child of their own. Trust me and learn from my experience. I just don’t want anyone out there to make the same mistake my ex-wife did.