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Grew up Listening to Wilco? You May Be Entitled to an Apology From Your Dad

Have you always had the itching feeling your Dad is going to leave your Mom for Jeff Tweedy? Did you fall asleep to the sounds of “Sky Blue Sky” as a baby? Was every family road trip a Wilco album listening party? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be eligible for an apology from your Dad.

If the below criteria applies to you, our office may be able to assist you:

  • You were often told you had an “old soul” as a child
  • Your knew who Neko Case was before the age of 12
  • You only applied to liberal arts colleges
  • You’ve spent a large amount of your life at farmers markets

We provide an extensive interview process in which we learn what ways this has had long term impacts on you as a person. Oftentimes, our office sees children like this start indie rock bands themselves – even as early as middle school. In fact, many have superiority complexes that stay with them throughout their adult lives. Upon hearing the sounds of “Summerteeth” or “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” multiple times a child begins to create a God complex, believing that all other children have inferior music taste. And if this is combined with a Yo La Tengo album? The consequences will be life-long.

If any of this sounds like you or a loved one, please reach out immediately. We understand that being an adult Wilco fan is one thing, but being born into a Wilco family is another. When you scream “THE ASHTRAY SAYS YOU WERE UP ALL NIGHT” at the age of ten, you inevitably begin to embody a sad Dad – ending up in a swirl pool of emotional depth you could only pretend to imagine while playing air guitar. Your Vans-wearing Dad of the indie-rock persuasion may have introduced you to a form of Twee you can never escape.

Contact our office at: 753 Mermaid Avenue