If you have been unfortunate enough to visit the YouTube comments of the video of any given metal band, you’re well aware of the ever-present…
The original “Twilight Zone” series is a gold mine of memorably traumatic plot twists, thirty-year-old men who look like sixty-year-old men, and some of the…
Let’s be honest: Lost was a hot mess 20 years ago, and not much has changed. Between the polar bears, time travel, and smoke monsters,…
Fucked Up are a hardcore punk band formed in 2001 in Toronto, and the best hardcore punk band of the 21st Century. They have always…
The words “Ice Age” means something different for everyone. If you’re some sort of paleontologist dweeb, it means sabertooth tigers and uncovering ancient sticks our…
Whether you’re a fan of old school Saosin or the potentially drugged out supergroup known as The Sound of Animals Fighting, a few things are…