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Band Honorably Goes Down With Flooding Rehearsal Space

BRATTLEBORO, VT — Brave members of the late synth-punk band Ejector Seats experienced a flood from a burst sewage pipe in their rehearsal space, during which they decided to play on, sources close to the group confirmed.

“You could tell from the look in their eyes that they knew it was the honorable thing to do,” said a tearful Kerri Smythe, partner of lead keyboardist, who was invited to watch the band practice that day. “They paused just a moment to salute one another and admitted what an honor it was to serve in the Seats these past few years, and then continued their set as if murky water wasn’t rising up to their belly buttons. As for me, I got the hell out of there!”

Though many recalled the calamity with sentimentality and awe, others were merely confused why anyone would intentionally meet their demise in such a way.

“The pipe was in plain view, and quite frankly, not that difficult for any idiot to re-attach temporarily until a professional got there,” said local plumber Lonny Vermucci Jr. “Going down with your crew is a romantic idea if you’re on a battleship or something, but going down with your keytar? In a basement full of shit water? That confuses me.”

Noted Navy oceanographer Bob Ballard had a more sympathetic viewpoint and offered his plans for a full-on investigation of the wreckage.

“Between you, me, and the barrier reef, I’ve been looking for an excuse to rev up the ol’ Argo, which has been collecting dust in my garage since exhuming the Titanic,” said an excited Ballard. “Through sonar, I should be able to pinpoint all the vintage synthesizers down there, and learn what made these guys tick.”

“Oh, and I call dibs on a Microkorg, if we find one,” Ballard added. “I need that built-in vocoder for my upcoming ambient album ‘Sounds From Way, Way Down.’ I still regret not swiping anything from the damn Titanic.”

At press time, recorded audio from a distress call made by one band member in secret revealed that the group ended up drowning in only three feet of water.