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Fan Comments “Come to Toronto!” on Band’s Eulogy for Close Friend

CHICAGO — A fan of local band Drone Strike urged the band to “Come to Toronto!” in a comment on a Facebook eulogy for the band’s recently deceased “spiritual guide” Michael Fitzpatrick, sources close to the grieving group confirmed.

“Writing that goodbye post was one of the hardest things I ever did,” said Drone Strike bassist Brendan McGee, holding back tears. “When I saw the ‘Come to Toronto!’ comment, my first thought was, ‘Yeah, I will come to Toronto… and shove your phone down your throat, you fuckbag.’ We played Toronto last month, and I guarantee this prick wasn’t there… but Fitz was there. Fitz was always there.”

22-year-old Toronto resident Gordon Sinclair commented a mere four minutes after the band posted the loving tribute to their longtime friend.

“I still don’t see what the big deal is — I just wanted the band to know that they have fans in Canada,” said Sinclair, scrolling his ex-girlfriend’s Twitter feed. “A bunch of people replied to my comment to call me a prick, but I’m one of Drone Strike’s biggest fans: I’m the guy who uploaded all their albums to YouTube so new fans can find them.”

Fellow fan Melody Sinder added her own small tribute to the post, reserving her other feelings for a more appropriate time.

“I wrote ‘RIP Fritz,’” said Sinder. “Because that seemed like the right thing to do in the moment. Not once did I have to stop myself from commenting that I hope they make girl-sized T-shirts in their next merch run, or link to my band’s new demo and ask them to listen to it. Because that would be fucking stupid.”

For his part, Sinclair’s debacle has allegedly inspired him to take a break from social media.

“I admit, I probably should have read the post. I have bad ADD sometimes, and my mind just jumped to how I want to see them live. It was an honest mistake,” said Sinclair. “Before this incident, I accidentally commented ‘SEND N00DZ’ [sic] on my dad’s post about the Maple Leafs game. So maybe Facebook just isn’t for me.”