I’ve always been a reasonable guy. I don’t believe in supernatural forces or little green aliens. But some things just can’t be explained. The deepest…
When it comes to our parents, many thoughts and feelings may come to mind. “Are they proud of me? Am I living up to their…
The holidays are a difficult time for many people, but especially for losers who no one loves or even thinks about. For a lot of…
So, you don’t want to fly home for Thanksgiving but need to avoid the Greek tragedy level guilt trip you’ll receive from your mother if…
You know what the worst part about being sober is? I’ll let you guess. Okay, answer time: the fact that I can’t get rip-roaring drunk…
It’s strange how some situations can mirror others almost exactly. For example, a tennis match can look indecipherable from a pickleball match to an outsider.…
I knew going into the office kitchenette was a mistake. I foolishly exchanged pleasantries with someone from accounting, I think his name is Harold but…
The results of this year’s presidential election will forever stand as a moment in which America, for the second time, looked in the mirror and…
Ah, nothing delights me more than encountering someone with the audacity to declare themselves an artist. Oh, you really are an artist? You swaggered into…
Here we go again—the libs are panicking about another innocent, off-the-cuff comment from President Trump. It’s exhausting having to explain what Trump actually meant to…
For a long time I wanted to learn about jazz, but didn’t know where to start. One day I was listening to the Twin Peaks…