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If Babies Want Formula They Should Just Vote

The baby formula shortage is troubling and regardless of if you’re a parent or not, you’ve probably got an opinion on the subject. Now I’m not here to talk about the supply chain or tell mothers they should breastfeed in lieu of formula. There’s a clear solution to this problem that no one is talking about and that is that if babies want formula, they should just vote.

This isn’t rocket science, people. While the formula shortage doesn’t affect me personally (I could afford to pay the $200 a can some online sellers are charging), it breaks my heart to see. Especially since it’s entirely due to the lack of babies turning out to the polls.

Voting is not a privilege. It’s a duty to this great country of ours. There isn’t a single issue that cannot be resolved by voting. Worried about losing abortion rights? As long as you’re registered to vote you have no reason to be! Hell, voting is the reason my city now has 24 hours to relocate any homeless camps that try to form near my affluent neighborhood. Thanks, voting!

The ultra-youth just doesn’t understand the importance of voting. Or maybe they’re just lazy. It’s an issue of personal responsibility, really. How can you expect your circumstances to improve if you don’t crawl to the polls and vote? I’ve never missed an election and you can bet that I’ll be going to the polls until the day I die, protecting my personal interests.

As Americans, we have the right to fight for our rights and our vote is our weapon. Sure, the system isn’t perfect so I get that some babies may be disgruntled, but that’s no excuse to stay in your crib on election days. I just hope that this is the 2 am wake-up call the infant demographic needs.