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How to Use Cyberbullying to Overcome Social Distancing

While isolating during the pandemic, it’s understandable to feel disconnected from other people. TO keep an air of normalcy, we must keep our interpersonal relationships intact. This can be achieved by reaching out to one another with kind words but we must not forget a core element of human interaction: being mean to each other. That’s where cyberbullying comes in. While you are social distancing, cyberbullying is a way to stay connected with foes during these trying times.

Here are several tips to keep your enemies closer while keeping six feet apart.

Face-to-face from Afar – When possible, use FaceTime or Zoom to communicate. It’s important to pick-up on cues like body language or facial expressions to see how well your insults land. Videoconferencing allows you to find more things to comment on, instead of just their words, like their stupid choice of interior decorating, unkempt hair, pajamas, or what they look like without makeup.

“Thinking of You” Messages – Days can run together in quarantine, so simply taking a few minutes out of your day to let someone know why they suck is the perfect opportunity to ruin someone’s day. Send someone a private message with slights that are specific to their insecurities. Let them know that while you are apart, you are grateful for the distance.

Growing Your Community – If you don’t already have someone who consistently causes you to experience blinding rage, you might be surprised at the places where you can find enemies! Look for your next target on local community message boards or make fun of the desperate people who are looking for friendships online.

Reach Out to an Old Rival – Now is a great time to reconnect with that dork from high school who was always raising her hand or that former coworker who chewed with his mouth open. You probably have lots of old material that has been simmering for years. Let them know you’ve been thinking about them. More specifically, let them know you’ve been thinking about how much of a piece of garbage they are.

Group Chats – Try cyberbullying with a group of friends. Nothing unites people like a common enemy! Human connection is of the utmost importance right now and we can use technology to maintain and strengthen the bonds of hatred that hold us together.