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Opener Claims They Loosened Pit After Headlining Band Opens It

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Opening hardcore band Musher claimed they loosened the pit during their set on Tuesday evening before headliner Harumph opened it, sources reported.

“It was really tight out there at the start of our act. We definitely got things moving by the end there,” said Musher’s lead singer Jilly Farnsworth. “I know the pit didn’t technically open until Harumph started playing ‘Blood Is Money,’ but that couldn’t have happened without us giving the audience a few twists and turns of our own. Before our set started, the crowd mostly had their hands in their pockets, but by the end, several showgoers took them out and gently started tapping their feet to the beat. We almost got the pit fully open when we put all their energy into screaming ‘open up the motherfucking piiiiiiiiiit.’ Clearly, we desere some credit here.”

Harumph, however, alleged the crowd didn’t even budge until their set started.

“I don’t think those fools even tried to get the crowd twisting. If they did, it didn’t show in the slightest. It took all our strength to get it open out there,” said drummer Peter Yles. “The Musher set might have actually made them tighter now that I think about it. They kept screaming specific instructions about how exactly to ‘go fucking crazy.’ The singer even provided a five-minute long step-by-step demonstration on how to do a wall of death. That seemed to mostly confuse and scare them. ”

Experts weren’t quite sure who was in the right.

“Lone actors were reportedly pushing other crowd members at the time, but that was said to have started far prior to even Musher’s set,” said music historian and scene expert Fred Schism. “Big empty circles in the crowd were mostly traced back to potent farts and dry-heaving punks in the general admission section. But whether the ‘total motherfucking rage’ is actually attributable to Musher’s music or if it is merely a result of steady Hoppy Daze consumption is harder to prove. Results are inconclusive.”

At press time, Musher claimed that the headliners wouldn’t have been able to crowd surf if they hadn’t started the wave.