Fellow citizens, let me ask you a question: how many bananas do you have in your possession right now? Do you feel that you have…
This week you’ll be seeing a first for this column, dear readers, because for the first time I’ve found a comment that I want to…
Being funny is the hardest job in the world, which I am sure you’ve heard before, but it bears repeating. That’s why we put out…
Listen, here’s the deal: there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking video games if you’re a child, but that needs to be the limit. The…
First of all, woof. Secondly: we dogs have sniffed out a big hole in the gaming community that needs to be dug up right away.…
Ho-ho-hail to the king, baby! It’s me, God’s gift to women, Duke Nukem, here to wish you season’s greetings…or at least, that was the plan,…
Dear Scabby: My boyfriend is a total shithead. Habitual liar and addicted to pain killers. The problem is we’re both starving artists and I need…
Dear Scabby: I’m a metal dude from Mikwaukee who’s moving to NYC but I can’t afford to live in Greenpoint, where else can I find…
Dear Scabby: What’s the best way to DIY myself a stick n poke tattoo on my face? Always wanted one, and i might as well…
Dear Scabby: What does BDSM stand for? -WTF Dear WTF: BDSM refers to “blowing dildos sex machine,” or maybe “boner dive… something, something,” but can…
Dear Scabby: I’m a British man who’s 27 in just over a year and currently lives with his parents because he no longer has a…
Dear Scabby: I’m really embarrassed to admit this…but I just shat a bunch of skittles out of my womanly parts. I haven’t eaten skittles in…
Dear Scabby: I hit a child driving home from work. This was 3 years ago. I haven’t told anyone. What should I do?! -CLUMSY Dear…
The Top 5 Comments on Hard Drive Articles This Week
While this column is meant to highlight the funniest comments of the week, I want to acknowledge the hundreds of fans who voiced their support…