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LOS SAINTS Release Music Video for latest single “Doctor”

LOS Saints have released a new music video for their latest single “Doctor” ahead of their upcoming debut full-length, ‘Certified,’ out July 26.

The San Diego-based alternative rockers will be bringing their debut out for release on July 26 via ENCI Records.

LOS Saints release video for new single

Discussing the latest single “Doctor” via a press release, guitarist/vocalist Angel Mariscal noted: “I made this song a long time ago. I don’t remember exactly when, but i want to say I was still in high school. For me, 2017 was my hell year, in terms of mental health. So if I had to give this song a time frame, I’d put it around that time.

“I have really bad memory but, this song puts me in a bad trip because, I’d say it’s my most expressive song, all around. It’s not necessarily dark but, it’s dark, for me at least. The concept is pretty much just self analysis I guess. The guitar, bass, tambo, and the stuff and harmony vox are all original.

“After just right before the 2 minute mark is where I added more elements to the song that I felt would allow you fall deeper into the darkness of the song, which Carl Bahner brought it all out from that marl all the way to the end in an amazing way, i.e. those low vocals in the outro, when I heard those for the first time, I got shivers man.”

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