COLUMBIA, Mo. — In the tradition of groundbreaking science fiction, the upcoming YouTube show Alpha Betas poses a challenging, otherworldly question: what if gamers actually contributed…
SEATTLE — In response to the escalating tension between Apple and Epic, masses of angry gamers have taken to the streets to show support for…
WORLDWIDE — The Super Smash Bros. community is in shock today after dozens of people came forward with sexual assault and pedophilia allegations against many,…
NEW YORK — The residents of New York City have begun applauding out their windows every single day at three in the morning to celebrate…
LOS ANGELES — A new video game is in production by a group of gamers and is intended to appeal to other gamers, according to…
Today, satirical news website The Onion launched a new section, Onion Gamers Network, in a sick attempt to turn our favorite hobby — the root…
There’s a real problem in the game industry. Since its inception, one underrepresented group of people has gradually become abused, taken advantage of, and mistreated…
SINGAPORE — Secretlab has announced a new line of gaming computer chairs with state-of-the-art adjustable height technology which allows gamers to “rise up” without having…
We, the GAMERS of the United States need to rise up and finally make Gamers a protected class. RISE UP and sign the petition today!