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I Got To Hang Out On My Favorite Band’s Tour Bus And All I Had To Do Was Bring My Extremely Attractive Girlfriend

I’ve always dreamed of hanging out on a tour bus with the band that changed my life, and last weekend, my vision board worked! I kicked it with indie rock legends, “Knights of Sin.” They even encouraged me to bring my girlfriend, who is a fitness influencer with millions of followers and a model for Elite Model Company.

It all started when Sid, the lead singer, randomly started “liking” some of my posts on Instagram. I thought, “how crazy is this? This dude’s lyrics helped me through some of the darkest moments of my life and here he is, posting fire emojis on pictures of me and my girlfriend Erin on a beach in Punta Cana! Then he commented “DAAAAYYYYUM” on a Halloween pic of me as Jack Kervorkiaan and Erin as a slutty euthanasia nurse.

Then, the craziest thing happened! Sid DM’d me an invite to hang on the tour bus with the band before their upcoming show in town. I said “yes” so fast, he had to remind me that I should probably invite Erin, so she doesn’t get mad. What a homie!

When we met him on the bus, I was totally geeked! He immediately introduced me to the rest of band! It was like Sid knew I would want to talk guitar and kit set-ups with the guys, so, like a total gentleman, he offered to give Erin a complete tour of the bus while I sat down with Adam, Bekim, and Jerrod.

It was a whirlwind! I talked to Bekim about his drum set up. I talked about the new album with Adam! I made endless jokes with Jerrod. I was having so much fun, I totally lost track of time and Erin! I thought she would be pissed but she said Sid kept her entertained the whole time. She’s so understanding. Sid even gave her one of his personal shirts to wear.

The show was lights out, but there was one more surprise! Erin got up on stage! Right before they broke into their biggest hit “You’re A Fire-Breathing Sex Dragon,” Sid told the sold out crowd, “I met the coolest girl today!” Then he asked Erin to come on stage! He sang the entire song while looking directly into her eyes! I will admit, at this point, I did start to get jealous. I would have loved to be the one on stage singing with Sid! Anyway, what a NIGHT!!!!!!

Erin Broke up with me. I’m dreading having to tell my new best friend Sid, they really hit it off!